by Nov 12, 2021VETERINARY0 comments

No matter how much you take care of your pet, accidents always happen. Every owner is supposed to know how to give first aid to his pet, until they get to the veterinarian.

We will explain some first aid procedures in case of the most common accidents.

Bone fracture
If the animal has been hit by a car, or has fallen, there is a possibility of bone fracture. It should be immobilized and brought to the vet, who will do an X-Ray. If there is a possibility of pelvic fracture or internal organs injury, the dog should be placed onto a stretcher, which can be made of some handy materials, such as a board or a blanket.

If the animal has cut itself, we should put gauze and bandage, and come to the veterinarian. In case the wound is bleeding heavily, so the animal is going into a state of shock, the limb should be tied between the bleeding spot and the heart. You can use a piece of rope, a belt or something similar. Contact the veterinarian immediately.

If the animal is burned or doused with hot liquid, that spot should be cooled down, i.e. ice should be placed on it, and if a larger area is affected, hold it under cool running water for a few minutes. DO NOT WRAP THE BURNED AREA! Contact a veterinarian who will remediate the injury.

Dogs, and particularly puppies always look for something to play with and chew up. In that game, they easily get to various poisons, especially if they have access to a garage or basement.

Dogs, and particularly puppies always look for something to play with and chew up. In that game, they easily get to various poisons, especially if they have access to a garage or basement.
Izazvati povraćanje samo za određene otrove i ako je pas pri svesti i ako može povraćati. Za izazivanje povraćanja se koristi slana voda u koncentraciji od 3 čajne kasicice soli na pola čaše tople vode ili 3% hidrogen(100-200ml)
2) Pranje životinje:
Prati životinju samo kod određenih otrova, oprati vodom i sapunom i nekoliko puta detaljno isprati.
3) Davanje vode:
Dajte vodu samo kod određenih otrova, u slučaju da je uzeo kiselinu treba dati vodu sa soda bikarbonom.
Prva pomoć:
Oživljavanje životinje:
Postaviti životinju da leži na desnom boku. Zavisno od veličine životinje, sa jednim ili oba dlana pritiskati rebra ritmički. Nakon svakih 10-15 stiskanja grudnog koša, 2 puta dati veštačko disanje.

The easiest way to give artificial respiration to an animal is to close its mouth using both palms and blow enough air into its nose.

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