Tips: choose a good place and quality seedlings for orchard growing

by Nov 12, 2021Pets0 comments


Before planting, it is necessary to perform a chemical analysis of the soil, and based on the results of that analysis, ameliorative fertilization should be performed, which brings in large amounts of organic and mineral matter into the soil. In addition, fertilization must be supported by deep tillage, plowing or undermining the soil. The results of the chemical analysis of the soil also show the content of macro-elements and calcium carbonate, the lack of which can effect the success of planting.

New permanent orchards should never be planted on the site where the old orchards were!

Undermining of soil is a necessary measure,which deepens the layer of soil for planting, destroys the plow sole, but also enables easier root development. Undermining is done at a depth of 50 to 90 cm, except for berries, where the layer is much shallower.

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