Advice and recommendations

Advice and recommendations
Kittens bottle feeding
- 2dl of lactose FREE milk (cats can not digest lactose, the kitten would get diarrhea and die)
- 1 egg yolk (remove the egg whites and trow away or use for other purposes)
- 1 tsp of butter (butter imitates the fat from mother's milk)
Combine butter and milk in a pot and heat the mixture until butter is melt. When butter is melt, put aside the mixture to cool down and beat the egg yolk in a separate dish. When the milk and butter mixture has cool down - combine it with the beaten egg yolk. Note that if the milk mixture is still hot - the egg yolk will coagulate. Keep the formula in the fridge. Use it up to 3 days.
The kitten must be warm, otherwise they won't eat as they can not digest if their body temperature is low. Take the kitten on your lap, in a natural position and offer the formula that you previously made and put into a baby bottle or a syringe. The formula should not be cold, but warm. If you notice that the kitten does not know how to behave you can sprinkle a bit of formula around its mouth. In the event the kitten still isn't eating - you should gently hold its head and place the bottle tip inside its mouth, on the side, and let it taste the formula. That should make the kitten starts eating from the bottle. The quantity of food that the kitten will take depends on the age and size of the kitten. Feed them every 3 hours. As they grow make the time laps longer.

After the meal it is time for potty. Use alcohol free wet tissue or just a slightly wet toilet paper. If the kitten's anus gets irritated you can apply Pavloviceva cream. Put the kitten on its back and gently massage the skin around its anus and genitals in circled movements. The massage will stimulate the kitten to potty. Kittens will potty and after that they need to be cleaned and washed. You can gently bath them, it is not dangerous, but use the shampoo for cats (that can be found in pet-shops). Human shampoos irritate animals' skin, causing red rashes, itchiness, hair loss etc. Gently wash kitten's butt and belly area, using cat shampoo and warm water. Never wash its head, always keep the head dry. After the bath use a towel to dry the kitten and then use a hair dryer but at the lowest possible temperature. Be careful not to burn kitten's skin. To put the kitten to sleep fill bottles with hot water and wrap them in towels, then place them in kitten's bed (box) and tuck everything under a blanket. Place the kitten and tuck it in the blanket and cover the box with a sheet or a shirt, so it is dark inside. Pay attention to keep an opening for the air. You could save one life as early as today.
Puppies bottle feeding
- 5dl of lactose FREE milk (dogs are less sensitive to lactose than cats nut it is highly recommended not to try and risk)
- 1 egg yolk (remove the egg whites and trow away or use for other purposes)
- 1 Tsp of honey (honey substitutes dextrose from the bitch's milk)
Mix milk and honey in a pot on a mild heat until they totally mix. Put the mixture away until it gets cold. When it is cold eat in the egg yolk. Milk and honey mixture should not be warm so the egg yolk doe not coagulate. Keep the formula in the fridge. Use it up to 3 day.
You can add following supplements:
1. AD baby drops ( 20 drops to the above mentioned mixture )
2. Vitamin C for children ( 1 sachet of the powder to the above mentioned mixture )
3. Vitamin B ( 1 pill )
We recommend to consult the veterinary
AD kapi za bebe (20 kapi kad se smeša ohladi)
C vitamin za decu (1 kesica rastvorljivog praška)
B kompleks (1 kapsula)
Preporučujemo da se za svaki slučaj konsultujete s veterinarima.
The puppy must be warm, otherwise they won't eat. Take the puppy on your lap, in a natural position and offer the formula that you previously made and put into a baby bottle or a syringe. The formula should not be cold nor too hot , but warm (the ideal temperature of milk would be 38 C). If you notice that the puppy does not know how to behave you can sprinkle a bit of formula around its mouth. In the event the puppy still isn't eating - you should gently hold its head and place the bottle tip inside its mouth, on the side, and let it taste the formula. That should make the puppy starts eating from the bottle. Feed them every 3 hours. As they grow make the time laps longer. It is recommended to keep the food diary to keep the record of when and how much the puppy eats as well as to record its weight.

After the meal it is time for potty. Use alcohol free wet tissue or just a slightly wet toilet paper. If the puppy's anus gets irritated you can apply Pavloviceva cream. Put the puppy on its back and gently massage the skin around its anus and genitals in circled movements. The massage will stimulate the puppy to potty.
Puppies will potty and after that they need to be cleaned and washed. You can gently bath them, it is not dangerous, but use the shampoo for dogs (that can be found in pet-shops). Human shampoos irritate animals' skin, causing red rashes, itchiness, hair loss etc.
Gently wash puppy's butt and belly area, using dog shampoo and luke-warm water. Never wash its head, always keep the head dry. After the bath use a towel to dry the puppy and then use a hair dryer but at the lowest possible temperature. Be careful not to burn the puppy.
After the dinner and the bath it is a bed time.
Fill bottles with hot water and wrap them in towels, then place them in puppy's bed (box) and tuck everything under a blanket. Place the puppy and tuck it in the blanket and cover the box with a sheet or a shirt, so it is dark inside. Pay attention to keep an opening for the air.
Save one life as early as today...
Jež u Bašti
Dobrodošao! Ježićima počinje uskoro zimski san (Oktobar-Novembar, ali neki su aktivni i do Decembra) tj. proces hibernacije do proleća. Pa ćemo pisati jedan tekst kako da im pomognemo da se valjano, bezbedno i nesmetano pripreme za zimu. Naravno ne valja preterivati, da se ježići ne ulenje.
(bezbednije nego na ulici):
obezbedite prilaz ježićima (pomerite ciglu, dasku ili prepreku koju ježić ne može da prođe)
napravite skrovište (možete sami napraviti ili naručiti već gotovu kućicu putem interneta, samo uradite to što pre kako bi se ježići navikli na kućicu…ili jedan deo bašte ne kosite, ostavite korov da izraste, ježići će sami napraviti dom, obožavaju “neuredna mesta”)
bezbednost na prvom mestu (kada radite u dvorištu ili bašti obratite pažnju da ne povredite ježiće, takođe kada parkirate kola pazite da vam se ne zavuku pod točkove)

(ne hranite ih svaki dan, dovoljno je svaka 2-3 dana po malo, želimo da i sami love i traže hranu): PILETINA I RIBA(kuvana, nikako živo, i bez začina): -piletina -losos -tuna POVRĆE (bareno): -zelena salata -rukola -zeleni deo maslačka -kelj -španać -brokoli -slatki krompir -asparagus -rotkvica, repa -zelena paprika -šargarepa VOĆE -jabuka -banana -višnje -kruška -papaja -mango -dinje, lubenice -breskva -šljiva -bundeva -bobice (jagode, maline, borovnice, ribizle…) KONZERVIRANA I DEHIDRIRANA HRANA : -konzervirana hrana za mačke (piletina) -granule za mačke (piletina)
hleb (ne sadrži hranljive sastojke za ježa) -mleko (kao i mačke ježevi ne vare laktozu) -luk (bilo koji) -čokoladu (bilo koju prerađevinu od šećera) -svinjsko meso, goveđe, ovčetinu itd -paradajz -pečurke -običan krompir I opet napominjemo, ne hraniti ih svaki dan, dovoljno je svaka 2-3 dana. Hranjenje obaviti predveče. Pomozite ježićima već danas!
Lisica u Gradu
Videli ste lisicu u gradu?
Bez panike, samo je ostavite na miru da ide svojim putem jer je najverovatnije u potrazi za hranom. Lisice se ne hrane uvek isključivo mesom, one spadaju pod svaštojede. Lisice kao kućni ljubimci jedu: – meso (piletinu, zečetinu…) mešavinu smrznutog povrća (čeri paradajz najzdraviji) – voće (maline, kupine, jagode, višnje) – konzervirana hrana za pse – granule za pse
Izbegavati: žitarice – proizvode od žitarica

Ako vidite mladunce, ma koliko slatki-preslatki nemojte ih dirati. Lisice su sklone odbacivanju mladunaca ako osete ljudski miris na njima. I ne zaboravite da im ostavite posudice s vodom. Pomozimo im već danas, nije teško biti fin.