
Age: around two years old

Neutered: yes

About: This beautiful soul was first taken and left in a middle of nowhere, close to a heavy-traffic road where he was hit by a car, and left behind to suffer the injuries.
Luckily he did not have broken bones and got recovered quite well.
He is very friendly and sweet.
Većeg je rasta, mešanac je ptičara.

Vaccines: Yes

We are looking for his forever home in City of Zrenjanin or in villages around Zrenjanin.

Adopt an animal and save a life!

Our volunteers will contact you after you send us a message


8 + 3 =

The age given in the adds has been updated when the add was published. It may or may not reflect the real age anymore (the animal could be older). Some vaccines might have been expired at the moment you are surfing through the adds. Please feel free to contact us in order to get updated information about the pet you would like to adopt and about the adoption processes.