
Age: around one year old

Neutered: no

Osobine: Nedeljama nam nije prilazio i bežao je iz straha 🙁 Uspeli smo da steknemo njegovo poverenje i postao je prava maza.
Utočište je pronašao u jednom voćnjaku gde ga redovno obilazimo, ali svakako nije bezbedan s obzirom da je vlasnik voćnjaka počeo da baca činije za hranu i vodu 🙁
Na svu sreću noga ga je prošla i ne hramlje više.
Mešanac je bretonca.
Vrlo je druželjubiv i umiljat.

Vaccines: no

We are urgently looking for his forever home in City of Zrenjanin or in villages around Zrenjanin

Adopt an animal and save a life!

Our volunteers will contact you after you send us a message


10 + 2 =

The age given in the adds has been updated when the add was published. It may or may not reflect the real age anymore (the animal could be older). Some vaccines might have been expired at the moment you are surfing through the adds. Please feel free to contact us in order to get updated information about the pet you would like to adopt and about the adoption processes.